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(4 edits)

The game is lacking a certain goal and motivation, but it is not finished, so we will see. The rpg part is good in it's own right - which is rare to see in a lewd game.

(This is for 1.19)

Stuff that bothered me:

The rpg maker mechanics in general. Too many unnessary clicks. That engine is very player unfriendly by modern standards of quality of life in user interfaces.

Jessie/Timmy no longer gives carrots after Sherman has certain events. And it is kinda bugged how this starts. Also, this can happen before you had your Cecilia events, making it very hard to obtain the starting carrot. (Yeah, I did finally discover, where to get a carrot a cucumber and milk in one go)

Majors wive having eyes in her back and stunlocking me with her message.

No starting phase with orks, to use skills and items.

The ork collar is easy to miss, in combination with the non-hint at the cave for the scooba mask. It looked like a level requirement or a skill requirement, with the "later" text.

No sp option for the spa event to pull out

Despite reading the walktru later, I did not find the path to the grape bush. Also, the village is called campsite there, which is confusing.

Bugs I encountered:

You can enter Sunset Cliff at a time where you have not the abilty yet to leave a cliff you get pushed down, resulting in a dead end.

When Sherman gets to the next step, Carrot villager is no longer talkable. Instead there pops up a gender testing, and party after that is only Jessie and stays Jessie, at least for display. I had not encountered Abby so far, at that point. When I finally got Mary, I could repair that by using Mary in an event afterwards.

Wow! Thanks for all the feedback. Helpful players like you are a rare treat for debugging! I'll check all the bugs you found and see if I can improve some of the stuff that bothered you. I doubt I can fix the RPG Maker interface! but, there is an option in the Password-Board-Behind-Hovel-Near-Mother-Grave that allows you to set defaults for all sex events, which eliminates almost all clicking choices during sex. Yeah that Mayor wife was hated by all... Try typing "silly" into the password-board and take the axe to visit her for revenge...

I'm currently working on the Jessie, Cecilia, and Mary events, in my plan to release the game on Steam... someday... I've already deleted and redone the entire Jessie event. (it was originally just a "bonus" for patrons...) so I'll ensure those issues are fixed in v.1.20.

Oh, do not worry about the rpg maker issues too much, I hate that with all the rpg maker games. Especially the waiting time for the text to finish. Or that there is no dialogue log. Or that you have to double select items again to actually do something with the items you already see. Or that fullscreen is not a button in options. (The list goes on ;-)

That focus is not visible at certain places in the menu when you would want to know this value might be improved. Like, when munching fish, you do not know how much focus you currently have.

What did kinda worry me, was this testing with carrot villager. It looked to me, as if my save game might be corrupt. I guess I was not supposed to be so far in the game, without having Abby. It eventually resolved itself, but I did wait to advance the Sherman event, till I got Abby and only then talkted to both again. Bascially I could not talk to Sherman or Jessie route would start without me even having encountered Abby. Also, this "Abby" I never met, dragged me back from the Orks.

The customer count for the brothel might be wrong. Or my save game got corrupted somehow. I now have 3. No pamphlets, but upgrades to the building. It was 6 once with pamphlets.

The mermaid thingies might be buggy. I have lvl22 and 634en with collar. When first equipping the collar at lvl21, it was 400something. It is 886 with the mermaid one now. The refill item that sounded like it would be similar to animalize seems to not work. But the non-faint item is very usefull for orks. I could do 3-4 with timing the boost you can get in the event, but the ones on the world map were only possible with the mermaid thing.

The only really bothering thing about the majors wive is that she pops up a dialog every second. And it is inconstistent, when she "sees" you with her back turned. I did find one of the hiding places enventually and how to sneak past her. Maybe hide an item in there and make it repeatable.

If you want to minimize event questions, you have several possibilities. Make things like appearances a thing of character options that can be switched in menu. I imagine that rpg maker engine dictates the limitations, but you could have character specific equipments that are just how the chars look in events. They could change the maximum amount of sp or increase cost to start events. Or expand on the board options to ask something like "start with quick board selections for x sp?". The board might give different options for all recurring events. It currently only works for some events.

I guess the grape bush of death on the mountain is there intentionally (it removes 200 en).

Mary sold her v card twice. Once to Abby and later to Anno.

The tea time and the lunch break are not exclusive, but they seem to work like it.

I occasionally had Mary's profile image in the dialoge on the bottom for a single dialogue, without ever having Abby or Mary in party.

The message board tells the wrong version number.

The pamphlets seem similar to wine, but do not tell so in description. Looked like a bug at first.

The futa thing came a bit unexpected. You do well to have that shown at least in a screenshot. Some people do not like surprises.

I can wash my clothes from certain substances without ever having encountered those fluids.


Some more subjective feedback:

The starting incest was a bit offputting.

When I discovered how to go to from the mountain area to the lower part of the mountain area that made my day. I had to double check if that was possible earlier. I. did. Not. See. It. Well done. Similar for the spa entry.

Thanks again for all the bug-catching! I've tried to fix most of the bugs. The only one I can't figure out is the "grape-bush-of-death" Where is that exactly? I looked at all the game maps and can't figure out what you mean.

I just found out that it will not only lower your energy, it will fill up your seduction points as well, so maybe it is intentional. It is a grape bush 1 right and 2 above elder Han.  If it is intentional, there might be dialoge missing.


Oh, hahaha. That was just a temporary testing cheat I added in, when coding Mary's handjob event. I guess I forgot to remove it before uploading. Oops!

Deleted 342 days ago
(1 edit)

OK,  I've linked the Patreon account... BUT it seems like it only allows ONE game download? I'm trying to get a bundle working so Patrons can download ALL my games for one price...

Steam release?

(2 edits)

I've looked at Steam before... but there is a lot prep work converting the file formats, and info they want like: bank info, tax forms, company info... It's a big headache for a hobbyist like me... but, I'll give it another look.



This should be on steam too

I agree